Premium Custom eBook Cover

| 01/04/2015


Please complete the form in the description section below if you select this eBook Cover package.

Sample Premium eBook Cover to the left.


  • Up to five premium images combined with text.
  • Three unique Design Concepts.
  • Minor photo manipulation if needed (changing eye color, removing objects etc.)
  • Up to three revisions on the one Design Concept you select as your final cover. Each additional revision beyond the three included will incur an additional fee of $75 which will be invoiced separately and paid prior to the revision being sent to the author.
  • WHAT YOU’LL RECEIVE: Two high resolution cover files in jpeg file format and RGB color that are ready to upload. The first is 1900 x 2850 pixels at 300 DPI for Amazon, Smashwords, NookPress and other distributors and the second is 200 x 300 pixels at 300 DPI for your website. 
  • TURNAROUND TIME: Typically 3 to 5 business days (weekends and holidays are not included in business days), however, if you’re answering my emails quickly I have gotten the final product of this package to the author within 48 hours. 
  • This package is for eBook covers ONLY.


Custom eBook Cover Form
Please complete this form so I have the information I need to create your eBook cover. All sections are required so please put N/A or NONE in any that don't apply to your book. I look forward to designing for you!
This secondary email must be different from the email you entered above. If you don't have a secondary email, I would suggest opening a free gmail or yahoo email account. I must have two different email addresses for you before I will start working on your order.
I need your phone number in case I can't get through to you via the two email addresses and need to speak with you. I usually don't call because I prefer emails and I will never share your info. There have been cases in the past where authors disappeared, their emails stopped working or were going unanswered, and I couldn't deliver the order. Now I ask for phone numbers as an additional contact method just in case I need it. Technology is great but it's not always 100%.
In this section please tell me about your characters and be specific. What do they look like (hair color, eye color, do they have a beard, stubble or are they clean shaven, are they fit or out of shape, do they have scars - anything that can help me portray them on the cover). What is their personality like? Are they mischievous, glamourous, a loner, evil, or the quiet type? Tell me about the location - do you want the Scottish Highlands in the background or does the story take place on Miami Beach? The overall vision of the cover is very important. Do you image a shirtless man or is he wearing a suit? I really need to know if you want a shirtless man or not when looking for pictures. Do you want a couple kissing or should they be separate? Are they looking at each other or away? Are there any specific hair styles (long flowing hair, short hair, ponytail, bun, bald, surfer hair, bowl cut etc). Are they of any specific ethnic origin. Are they Asian, Black, White or any other race? Please don't describe a character as a dark man/woman with dark eyes and long hair. That's too vague. Instead say an Asian woman with smoldering dark eyes and straight black hair with bangs that halfway cover her eyes. See the difference? The second description tells me exactly what to look for when searching for pictures. Please be specific when telling me what you want and what you don't want portrayed on the cover. Thanks!
I understand that many people want to pick out their own character photos and that's fine with me to an extent. Here's what you'll do: Go to to search for pictures. When you find one you like, copy and paste the direct URL link to it in the space above along with the item number and the description. That way I can go directly to what you want instead of spending hours trying to find it again. You can also add any comments about the pictures that you'd like in the above space.

When you're looking for pictures please find something as close to what you imagine as possible. Here are some examples:
1) Please do not pick pictures where objects or the character's heads are cut off. The images need to be complete. I do not want to work with half a head or half a wine glass, sword, or other item because I'll have to recreate the rest of it to complete the picture. I'm not willing to do that when you can easily select a picture where the whole head is included.
2) If your heroine is a brunette that wears her hair in a ponytail then find a picture of a brunette with her hair in a ponytail. Please don't send me a picture of a redhead with her hair flowing around her shoulders and ask me to make her into a brunette with a ponytail.
3) Please don't send me several pictures and say take this face, these biceps and this other guy's stomach and put them together to make a new person wearing a cut off shirt. I'm not doing that many changes for the low prices I charge. If you want to pay $3500 for a cover with this much detailed work, then that's another story.
4) If your character is standing in the wind, pick a picture where the person is standing in the wind and their hair is blowing back. Don't send me a picture of a short haired guy in a suit in an office and ask me to give him long wet hair and put him outside on a boat. Find a wet, long haired guy on a boat instead. Easy right?
5) Pick pictures with the face angles the way you want it. Please don't ask me to change the angle of faces. If you want the character to be looking straight on at the camera, please don't send me a picture of someone looking to the left.
6) If you want the person to be wearing specific clothing, please find a picture with someone wearing that clothing instead of asking me to add it to the person.
7) Please don't send me links to fifteen pictures and ask me to combine them to make five new pictures.

While I don't mind authors looking for their own pictures, I also reserve the right to not use those pictures if it means an incredible amount of extra work or difficulties to make the cover. Remember that the most expensive package I offer is only $320, which is very inexpensive for graphic design work that includes the cost of five photos. I have to set a limit and not go over the number of images stated in each custom cover design package, otherwise it's not cost effective for my time. When I have to piece multiple pictures together, then you're using up the included pictures. When picking character images, please choose images as close as possible to the end result you're looking for. If you have any questions, please ask before purchasing a package.
