Cassandra Curtis Cover Reveal

| 04/06/2013

Cassandra Curtis was the winner of the Premium eBook Cover for the month of April 2013. She was very available to answer emails and I was able to create a cover she loved in only three days. Here’s what she said about the finished cover.

“OMG!!!! This is the prettiest cover, the most compelling cover I’ve ever had. Wow! Thank you so much, Melissa. I dearly love it.” Cassandra Curtis

Here’s her new cover for Compulsion.

Compulsion by Cassandra Curtis

Lindsay Dannon has a dirty little secret. While she hides behind her plain and proper image at work, a wanton woman with a rich fantasy life lurks beneath the surface. The thrill of sex in public places, and the risk of exposure, is a compulsive itch she knows only one man can scratch—her boss, Jack Randolph.

The company’s “no tolerance” policy on interoffice dating is the only thing stopping her. Good thing Jack created the rules, because he’s determined to make all of Lindsay’s sexual fantasies come true…



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